Students in the PA program must achieve a grade of B minus (B-) (>79.5%) in PAS didactic and clinical courses to remain in good academic standing. Students who receive less than a B minus (B-) in one course may be offered the opportunity for course remediation. Remediation will require registration in an additional Redmedaition Course that must be passed for successful course completion. A Remediation Course fee will be assessed in the amount of one graduate credit. If course remediation is unsuccessful, a leave of absence or program dismissal will be recommended. A student may only remediate one course per year.
Due to course scheduling, a leave of absence will result in delay in the program. In addition, because the courses offered each semester are interrelated, students who join a new cohort are required pass a competency exam for prior learning, attend all courses in the semester that the failed course is repeated, attend all classes, and pass all evaluation requirements. Failure to achieve a B minus (B-) or better on a second attempt of a course following a leave of absence will result in recommendation of dismissal from the program. All coursework must be completed within five (5) years of matriculation.
Per the graduate catalog: To be considered in good academic standing and to remain in a graduate program, students must maintain an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher throughout the course of study. In addition, students may not earn a B- in more than three courses. Students are immediately dismissed from a program if they receive two (2) F’s or more than three (3) grades of B- or lower.
All matriculated students are reviewed by DGCE within thirty (30) days after the grade submission deadline of the fall, spring, and summer II terms to ensure they are in good academic standing.
Academic Probation and Dismissal
A student is placed on academic probation if the overall cumulative GPA is below a 3.0, at the time of the DGCE review, or the student has received two grades of a “B-” or lower. The student will receive official written notification of academic probation status from the Division of Graduate and Continuing Education (DGCE). The student’s academic advisor and/or DGCE Program Chair is copied with this notification. Students on academic probation are required to meet with a faculty advisor or DGCE Program Chair to develop a written academic success plan for improvement and must submit a copy of this plan to DGCE within thirty (30) days of notification. Students without a written success plan on file will not be permitted to enroll in future terms.
Students placed on academic probation have two full terms (fall and spring) of enrollment to achieve good academic standing unless provided an extension by permission of the Graduate Program Chair and the DGCE Dean. Students on probation must complete all outstanding incomplete grades before enrolling in future terms. Students are required to repeat course(s) in which they have received a deficient grade (per the Deficient Grades and Course Repeat Policy) as soon as possible within their course of study. Academic probation may not be appealed.
Students are immediately dismissed from a program if they receive two (2) F’s or more than three (3) grades of B- or lower, and they have exhausted their course repeat option (below). Students on academic probation who do not achieve good academic standing within their two-term (fall and spring) time frame will automatically be dismissed from their program. Students may appeal academic program dismissal, please see academic dismissal appeals process for more information.
Course Remediation Policy
The performance of all students will be reviewed each by semester by the Promotions & Remediation Committee. For students who have demonstrated academic deficiency (<79.5%) in a program course, may be offered a remediation process. Students are only eligible for remediation in one course per year (one didactic course and one clinical course), as long as the remainder of the semester grades are a B minus (B-) or higher and the student is in good professional standing. Failure of a second course per didactic year will result in recommendation of a leave of absence or dismissal.
Remediation will be offered if the student demonstrated behavior, attitude, and ethics consistent with professional demeanor expected of a physician assistant student as determined by the Promotions and Remediation Committee.
The course coordinator will refer a remediation plan to the Promotions & Remediation Committee. If remediation is approved, students will be required to register for a Remediation Course with an assigned academic remediation plan and assessment by the Director of Didactic Education. The Remediation Course outlines the way in which a student will be expected to address any performance issues.
Remediation will include repeating some portion of the module, course or clerkship and reexamination. In all cases, the process of remediation content shall be at the discretion of the course coordinator, and the Director of Didactic or Clinical Education.
OSCE Remediation Policy
As part of the WSU PA Program Assessment process, all medical module courses will require that each OSCE assessment must be passed successfully to pass the course. If a student fails the OSCE, they will be offered one opportunity to remediate the OSCE. If they fail the repeat OSCE, that is considered a course failure, and they will be referred for course remediation or dismissal per program policy.
If a student fails four different course OSCEs on the first attempt, they will be referred to the Academic Advisor and Program Director for discussion of areas of concern and planning.
Failure of six first-time attempt OSCE failures will result in referral to the Program Director for dismissal.
Program Dismissal
Students that do not meet the program expectations will be recommended for dismissal to the Program Director by the Promotions and Remediation Committee:
- Students fail to achieve a course grade of B minus (B-) (>79.5%) or better after a Remediation Course is completed.
- Students fail to achieve 3.0 GPA after returning from a leave of absence.
- Lack of resolution of documented professional behavior issues.
- Failure of 2 clinical courses or failure to pass a repeated clinical clerkship.
- Academic Dishonesty.
Click here for more information regarding the Graduate Academic Dismissal Policy